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Peter is 14 years old boy, who has been living in the orphanage in Dolna Banya, Bulgaria for 4 years. His two brothers and sister, who are younger than him, live with his parents in France. In future Peter would like to go to Sofia to study sports. His favourite sport is boxing. In the orphanage children used to have a boxing trainer, who taught them the basics of this sport. Now only Peter is training on his own and improving skills. He also likes to play football. When the boy was asked what other activities he likes to do here, he just said that here are not many things to do except watching TV and called this place a graveyard. Children who are living in the orphanage gets 33 leva per month and they can spend these money on their needs. With these money some of them are buying cigarettes. Peter also started to smoke recently, but he already wants to stop because cigarettes are too expensive. Ordinary days of Peter and other children get brighter only when someone is visiting them. Visitors do not come here often. Usually people from different organisations come to the orphanage, play various games with the children and bring them some gifts. Peter did not know that we will come to visit their home and he said that it was a nice surprise because we were the first group of people who came to take photos and interviews. The boy said that it is always nice to spend time with visitors, but after that their life goes back to the same routine.

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